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    Your passion
    is our inspiration

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    Your passion
    is our inspiration

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    Your passion
    is our inspiration


OMGA Industries, Inc. distributes and services industrial woodworking equipment, throughout North America, manufactured by DIERREGI S.r.l. , under the OMGA brand, a globally recognized brand since 1960, with businesses in more than 60 countries around the world.

Through this web site and our facilities in South Bend, Indiana, we are renewing, every day, our commitment to the US market and the pursuit of a higher level of customer service for our dealers and customers.

Please contact us here with any suggestion or concern that will help us improve your customer experience with OMGA Industries, Inc.

Thank you!

Our product range

The OMGA brand is synonymous with world-class equipment known for their quality, value, reliability and design.
Explore the products section and discover why OMGA “Wood be nice”.

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Where OMGA equipment are used

Hardwood Flooring